November 25, 1999 - Big Bend Nat'l Park
Hiking The Window Trail in The Basin
Big Bend is one of the largest and least visited of America's national parks. Over 800,000 acres to be explored and enjoyed. From an elevation of less than 2,000 feet along the Rio Grande to nearly 8,000 feet in the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend includes massive canyons, vast desert expanses, and the entire Chisos Mountains range. The picture on the left is of The Window - an opening in the Chisos where a small waterfall makes a 200' drop. The 5.2 mile roundtrip trail to The Window is our destination today.
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West entrance to Big Bend.
On park road leading to "The Basin".
Clear view of "The Basin" and visitors center below.
Nice shot of Emory Peak in background -
highest point in the park.
Debra convinced me and everyone around that
the black spot in the middle of the picture is a bear.
Javelina hog. Very skunk-like aroma.
Heading down the "Window" trail.
Maybe it was a bear she saw???
I loved this cactus.
Still going. This trail, 5.2 miles round trip
leads to a narrow rock gorge and seasonal 200-foot waterfall.
Four young geology students from California.
Destination accomplished. There was a tiny stream flowing through the Window and the top of a 200-foot waterfall. We didn't get to close to the water-polished rock. It is very slippery.
Heading back. It's uphill all the way back. Casa Grande Peak, one of the most distinctive in the Chisos Mountains in background.
Maybe this cactus will nourish me.
Going down was a lot easier. Gotta rest on the return.
This was a great trail. We saw a bear, javelina, roadrunners, mule deer and about a hundred people today.
The base of Case Grande means we are back at the visitors center and food. Checkout more on Big Bend @ Big Bend Nat'l Park homepage .

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